(For those of you who don't know who Punxsutawney Phil is, you can read more here)
Groundhog Day 2009 update: A big HOWDY to all of you who arrived at this blog post via Google Image Search!
Groundhog Day 2010 update: See Groundhog Day 2009 update.
News and commentary on recent advances in the quest by the environmental left to destroy the world's economy through the politicization of global warming (climate change) and the suppression of those who dissent from the "consensus"
-- NASA Administrator Dr. Michael Griffin, May 30, 2007 interview
I have degrees in computer science and meteorology, which instantly makes my opinions on global climate change more credible than those of Al Gore. Just a thought.
My first post includes a discussion of my motivations for doing this blog.Contrary to stereotypes promoted by the AGW alarmists, I am not now, nor have I ever been, a paid shill of the energy industry. However, if you represent the energy industry and you wish to shower money on me in exchange for my advocacy, there is no need for a formal agreement. Just leave bags of cash on my doorstep and I'll be happy.
AGW = Anthropogenic (human-induced) Global Warming
CoGW = Church of Global Warming
IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN)
TEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It
All rights reserved on original content.
Reposting permitted if proper credit and a linkback are provided.